Positive Nature Network – Net Zero with Kit Connell

Featured Presentation

Kit talked to us the how to measure our footprint, what impact that could have on our communities and we went into our break-out rooms to discuss the main drivers for why businesses seek to set net-zero targets.

Q & A

slides to download

Project of the Month

Wildwood Devon bat rehabilitation centre

Last month, the Positive Nature Network contributed £300 to the Wildwood Devon bat rehabilitation centre. The centre will be used to provide a safe space for injured bats to be rehabilitated before they’re released back into the wild.

We are keen to reserve a space to promote a project that is close to members’ heart every month. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any suggestions this month, giving us that extra incentive to return to 2023 with gusto.

What sustainable events around you need support?

Do you have a project you would like to be featured?

All our projects are suggested by network members, if you have a project you would like to shine a positive light on then get in touch and let us know what it is and what help you might need - ie volunteers/funding.

Get in Touch

More Information

Useful Resources

Decarbonise Devon

For those of you in Devon. Decarbonise Devon is a new one-stop-shop to help your organisation save energy, money and carbon.


Useful Resources

Zero Carbon Business

For everyone else across the UK, we recommend taking a look at Zero Carbon Business’s support and funding information. On their website you’ll find a ton of organisations who can help you on your sustainability journey as well as a bunch of funding opportunities up and down the country.


Useful Resources

Business for Nature

By signing up to the COP15 business advocacy campaign from Business for Nature you can add to the growing call for big businesses and financial institutions to assess and publish their impact on nature.


Next Event

Join us on January 17th for our next Zoom event with expert speaker Paul Pivcevic who'll be introducing the concept of Regenerative Business.

Book Now

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Author: Richard Wain